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Sales of Locally Assembled Trucks Rise by 7.5% in Seven Months

Sales of Locally Assembled Trucks Rise by 7.5% in Seven Months

Chevrolet Leads the Market, While Imported Truck Sales Drop by 33%egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-decline

The first seven months of 2024 have seen a notable increase in the sales of locally assembled trucks in Egypt.

According to the latest report from the Automotive Market Information Council (AMIC), sales reached 5,500 units, up from 5,200 units during the same period in 2023, marking a 7.5% growth.

In contrast, sales of imported trucks saw a significant decline, dropping by 32.9% to 1,100 units from 1,600 units during the corresponding period last year.

Top Performers in the Market

Chevrolet emerged as the market leader, maintaining its dominance in the locally assembled truck segment.

Toyota followed in second place, capturing a 12.1% market share with 802 trucks sold.egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-decline

Mitsubishi secured the third spot with a 6.2% market share and total sales of 415 trucks.egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-decline

GMC climbed to fourth place, achieving a 3.4% market share with 227 units sold.egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-decline Meanwhile, MCV/Mercedes experienced a slight decline, landing in fifth place with a 3.1% market share and 205 trucks sold.egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-decline

Suzuki ranked sixth with 50 trucks sold,egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-decline followed closely by Hyundai in seventh place with 46 units. licensing-vehicles-egypt-may-2024

Volvo secured the eighth spot with 23 trucks sold, egyptian-truck-market-imported-sales-declinewhile Shacman completed the list in ninth place with 10 trucks sold.

Overall Market Performance

Despite the growth in locally assembled truck sales, the overall truck market in Egypt (including both imported and locally assembled trucks) experienced a slight decline.

Total sales decreased by 2% in the first seven months of 2024, with 6,600 trucks sold compared to 6,700 units during the same period in 2023.

This data underscores the shifting dynamics in Egypt’s truck market, with locally assembled trucks gaining ground amid a challenging environment for imported vehicles.

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