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“Price Surge: GAC Cars See a 150 Thousand Pound Increase in January 2024”

“Price Surge: GAC Cars See a 150 Thousand Pound Increase in January 2024”


Jameel Motors, a prominent member of the Abdul Latif Jameel Group and the authorized dealer for “GAC” and Ford in Egypt, has disclosed a significant uptick in the prices of GAC cars throughout January 2024.

“GAC Empao” Model 2024:

The company meticulously evaluated the “GAC Empao” model, categorizing it into three distinct classes:

Category Breakdown for “GAC Empao”:

  • “GS” Category: Priced at 1.170 million pounds.
  • “GB” Category: Priced at 1.310 million pounds.
  • “GE S-style” Category: Priced at 1,390 million pounds.

“GAC GS4” Model 2024:

Detailed insights into the “GAC GS4” model, presented in three categories:

Category Details for “GAC GS4”:

  • “GS” Category: Priced at 1.250 million pounds.
  • “GB” Category: Priced at 1.300 million pounds.
  • “GE” Category: Priced at 1.390 million pounds.

“GAC GS3” Model 2024:

The company also specified the “GAC GS3” model, featuring an extensive range across four categories:

Category Breakdown for “GAC GS3”:

  • “GS” Category: Priced at 1.180 million pounds.
  • “GB” Category: Priced at 1.250 million pounds.
  • “GL” Category: Priced at 1.320 million pounds.
  • “R-style” Category: Priced at 1.410 million pounds.

“GAC Emco” Model 2024:

Providing insights into the pricing structure of the “GAC Emco” car, available in four distinct categories:

Category Details for “GAC Emco”:

  • “GS” Category: Priced at 1.4 million pounds.
  • “GE” Category: Priced at 1.5 million pounds.
  • “GL” Category: Priced at 1.6 million pounds.

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