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Offering 2025 Nissan Sentra Cars at Discounts of 50 Thousand Pounds

Offering 2025 Nissan Sentra Cars at Discounts of 50 Thousand Pounds

Nissan Motors Egypt, the local agent for the Japanese brand Nissan, has notified its network of authorized distributors in the Egyptian market about the launch of 2025 Nissan Sentra cars with discounts of 50 thousand pounds compared to the 2024 model prices.

Nissan Sentra Model 2025

The company has introduced the 2025 Nissan Sentra in only two categories within the local market:

  • The first category, “UPPER,” is sold for about 949 thousand pounds.
  • The second category, “PREMIUM,” is sold at a price of 1.49 million pounds.2025-nissan-sentra-50k-discount

The 2025 Nissan Sentra model belongs to the sedan category and is equipped with a four-cylinder engine with a capacity of 1,600 cc, producing a power of 118 horsepower and a maximum torque of 154 Newton-meters.

It is connected to a five-speed automatic transmission.

The 2025 Nissan Sentra accelerates from a standstill to 100 km/h in 10.9 seconds, and the average fuel consumption is about 8.9 liters per 100 km.

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