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Jeep Cherokee, Toyota, and Nissan vehicles will be available for sale at the car auction next Wednesday

Jeep Cherokee, Toyota, and Nissan vehicles will be available for sale at the car auction next Wednesday


On Tuesday, August 2, at noon, the public auction will be held at the Giza Sports Club Hall, featuring various car lots from different entities, including the Sherbin Police Station, Qena Security Directorate, South Upper Egypt Development Authority, local units of Aswan and Kom Ombo cities, the General Administration of Irrigation in Beni Suef, the Health Affairs Department in Beni Suef, and the local unit of Sennuris Fayoum.

Auction Details:

The auction will include approximately 222 motorcycles of different types and brands, 180 tutors, and several cars of various brands, including the 504 Mitsubishi Lancer, Shaheen, Elantra, Volkswagen, Jeep Cherokee, minivan, 4-cylinder Jeep Cherokee, Bedford Pickup, Toyota, Isuzu, Mazda, and Nissan.

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Terms of Participation in the Auction:

Auction tender documents are available for purchase at the General Authority for Government Services’ headquarters, located at 7 Dr. Mohamed Hamed Fahmy Street, off Tahrir Street, facing Faisal Islamic Bank in Dokki, for EGP 400.

Cars can be inspected at the Alexandria customs yards, where ordinary individuals need to present their national ID card, which must be valid, while merchants must present their tax card to enter the auction. During the inspection, participants can bring experienced individuals to assist in evaluating the cars.

The auction will be conducted in accordance with Law No. 182 of 2018, governing contracts entered into by public authorities, and its executive regulations as per Resolution 692 of 2019. It will also follow the conditions outlined in the auction booklet. Purchasing the auction booklet is mandatory for participation, and each lot will be sold separately without any commission.

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Insurance Fees for Auction Participation: To participate in the auction, interested parties must acquire the bidding requirements document and pay an auction entry security amount of 10,000 pounds at the car customs treasury at Cairo Airport as temporary insurance. The insurance will be refunded to successful bidders, but if they win a lot, the insurance amount will be deducted from the car’s price.

Buyers who wish to purchase more than one lot must pay for an insurance voucher before bidding on the second lot, with separate insurance vouchers required for each lot.

The winning bidder must pay 30% of the deal’s price immediately after the auction is awarded. Failure to pay on the same day will result in the administrative authority retaining the temporary security. Within 15 days from the following day of the auction, the full payment must be made.

If the successful bidder fails to pay within the specified period, storage expenses of 1% per day of delay, up to a maximum of one week, will be charged. After the specified periods, if the buyer does not receive the lot, the contract will be canceled, and the final insurance will be confiscated in favor of the administrative authority, with additional deductionssforf administrative expenses and any appropriate fines.

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The price of the bidding document is non-refundable, while the EGP 10,000 insurance for entering the auction will be refunded in the event of non-purchase.

The auction winner will be licensed according to Traffic Law No. 121 of 2008 and will receive a letter from the port where the auction took place, directing them to the General Administration of Vehicle Customs for licensing at their place of residence.

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