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Jameel Motors Raises Prices for GAC Cars Starting September

Jameel Motors Raises Prices for GAC Cars Starting September

Jameel Motors, a subsidiary of the Abdul Latif Jameel Group and the local agent for GAC and Ford, has announced price increases for GAC cars.

These increases start at 15,000 EGP and reach up to 30,000 EGP, effective from September 2024.

GAC Empower 2024

The GAC Empower 2024 will see price hikes across its three variants

  • The first variant, GS, is now priced at 1.080 million EGP, with an increase of 20,000 EGP.
  • The second variant, GB, is listed at 1.230 million EGP, with a 20,000 EGP increase.
  • The third variant, GE S-style, now costs 1.330 million EGP, with a 30,000 EGP rise.jameel-motors-raises-gac-car-prices-september-2024

GAC GS4 2024

For the GAC GS4 2024, which comes in three variants:

  • The base variant, GS, now costs 1.170 million EGP, up by 20,000 EGP.
  • The second variant, GB, is priced at 1.250 million EGP, a 30,000 EGP increase.
  • The third variant, GE, has risen to 1.320 million EGP, also increasing by 30,000 EGP.jameel-motors-raises-gac-car-prices-september-2024

GAC GS3 2024

The GAC GS3 2024 is offered in four variants, each with price adjustments:

  • GS, the first variant, is now priced at 1.110 million EGP, a 20,000 EGP increase.
  • GB comes at 1.170 million EGP, also with a 20,000 EGP rise.
  • The third variant, GL, is listed at 1.270 million EGP, with a 30,000 EGP increase.
  • The top variant, R-style, is now priced at 1.380 million EGP, a 30,000 EGP hike.jameel-motors-raises-gac-car-prices-september-2024

GAC Emco 2024

Lastly, the GAC Emco 2024 has seen an increase only for its top variant:

  • GS is now priced at 1.270 million EGP.
  • GE costs 1.380 million EGP.
  • The top variant, GL, has risen by 15,000 EGP, now priced at 1.495 million EGP.jameel-motors-raises-gac-car-prices-september-2024

These price changes reflect current market conditions and currency fluctuations, and they may affect purchasing behavior in Egypt’s competitive automotive market.

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