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Egyptian Insurance Group: Licensing of 39.6 Thousand Vehicles in July

Egyptian Insurance Group: Licensing of 39.6 Thousand Vehicles in July

17.3 Thousand Private Cars Licensed in the Same Month

The Egyptian Association for Compulsory Vehicle Insurance’s monthly report indicates that the Egyptian market licensed 39.6 thousand new vehicles in July.

Total Vehicle Numbers

The report details the following breakdown for vehicles with insurance documents:

  • Model 2021: Approximately 2.7 thousand vehicles
  • Model 2022: Approximately 4.7 thousand vehicles
  • Model 2023: Approximately 57.7 thousand vehicles
  • Model 2024: Approximately 22.9 thousand vehicles
  • Model 2025: Approximately 3.4 thousand vehiclesegypt-licensed-39600-vehicles-july-2024

Private Cars

The report also reveals that 17.3 thousand private cars were licensed, including:

  • Model 2021: 394 cars
  • Model 2022: 864 cars
  • Model 2023: Over 2 thousand cars
  • Model 2024: 11.6 thousand cars
  • Model 2025: 2.3 thousand cars


The total number of licensed motorcycles reached 19.7 thousand, with the following distribution:

  • Model 2021: 2.2 thousand motorcycles
  • Model 2022: 3.6 thousand motorcycles
  • Model 2023: 3.3 thousand motorcycles
  • Model 2024: 9.9 thousand motorcycles
  • Model 2025: 551 motorcycles

Truck Vehicles

Truck vehicles totaled 1,599, broken down as follows:

  • Model 2021: 31 vehicles
  • Model 2022: 126 vehicles
  • Model 2023: 192 vehicles
  • Model 2024: 812 vehicles
  • Model 2025: 438 vehicles

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