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“Chinese Car Sales Surge by 4.5% in Egypt During Q1 2024”

“Chinese Car Sales Surge by 4.5% in Egypt During Q1 2024”

Chinese car sales in Egypt experienced a significant upswing, growing by 4.5% to reach 4.3 thousand cars in the first quarter of 2024, compared to approximately 4.1 thousand cars in the same period of 2023.

According to a report from the Automotive Market Information Council (AMIC), Japanese car sales dipped by 4.2%, totaling 5.4 thousand cars compared to 5.6 thousand cars in the preceding year’s corresponding period.


Meanwhile, European car sales plummeted by 34% to 835 cars, down from about 1.2 thousand cars in the first quarter of 2023.

Conversely, Korean models saw a remarkable surge of 179.6%, with sales surpassing 5.4 thousand cars during the same period, contrasting with about 5.6 thousand cars in the comparative period.

American car sales took a sharp downturn, falling by 39.4% to 192 cars, compared to 317 cars in the first quarter of 2024.

The report by the Automotive Market Information Council indicated a decline in private car sales in Egypt, dropping to about 2.7 thousand cars in March, marking a 40.7% decrease compared to the same month in 2023, which saw sales of 4.6 thousand cars.

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