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Chevrolet Dominates the Truck Market with 5.5K Sales Over Eight Months

In the first eight months of the current year, Chevrolet emerged as the frontrunner in truck sales market. The brand captured a substantial 68.1% of the market share, translating to a sale of 5.5 thousand trucks.


Local truck assembly saw a significant decline during this period, with sales plummeting to 6.2 thousand from 23.5 thousand the previous year, marking a sharp decrease of 73.5%. Imported truck sales weren’t spared either, experiencing a drop of 43.6%—from 3.2 thousand trucks to just 1.8 thousand.

Based on the report by the Automotive Market Information Council (AMIC), Toyota secured the second spot, boasting a 13% market share and sales exceeding a thousand units.

Suzuki wasn’t far behind, securing the third position with 6% of the market share and 489 sales.

Meanwhile, GMC slipped to the fourth rank, with a 5.6% market share, selling 456 vehicles. Mitsubishi clinched the fifth spot, selling 245 trucks and holding a 3% market share.

The following places were taken by MCV/Mercedes with 162 sales, Fiat with 72 units, Hyundai selling 53 trucks, Volvo with 29, and Shacman rounding off the top ten with 21 trucks.

Overall, the truck market has been facing headwinds, with sales across various segments dropping by approximately 71%. Over the past eight months, a little over 8 thousand trucks were sold, a stark contrast to the 26.8 thousand trucks in the same timeframe last year.

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