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“Chery – Ghabbour” Overtakes “Nissan” in Sales of Locally Assembled Passenger Cars

“Chery – Ghabbour” Overtakes “Nissan” in Sales of Locally Assembled Passenger Cars

In July, the “Chery – Ghabbour” brand, hailing from China, claimed the top position in sales for locally assembled passenger cars, surpassing Nissan. They captured a significant 32% market share, translating to sales of over 722 vehicles.

Hot on its trail was another Chinese giant, “Hyundai”, which secured the second spot by capturing a 31% market share, representing approximately 700 cars sold. Meanwhile, the Japanese stalwart “Nissan” slipped to the third position, garnering 17% of the market, with sales figures of around 397 vehicles.

Another competitor from China, “BYD”, landed in fourth place, boasting a 16% market share and sales of about 358 cars. Japanese manufacturer “Toyota” found itself in fifth place with a 4% market share, reflecting sales of 94 cars.

Interestingly, “Chevrolet” and “Lada” secured the sixth and seventh positions respectively. However, both brands recorded no sales for July, according to data on passenger car sales in Egypt.

A deeper dive into the sales metrics reveals a broader trend: sales of passenger cars experienced a notable dip. July saw sales figures of 4.9 thousand cars, marking a sharp 44.5% decrease compared to the 8.8 thousand cars sold in the same month the previous year.


The trend continued when examining the broader local automotive market. Local car assembly sales dropped by an alarming 49.1%, with sales reaching 16.6 thousand during the first seven months of the current year. This is a stark contrast to the 32.6 thousand cars sold during the same period in 2022, as reported by the Automotive Market Information Council.

Lastly, imported car sales weren’t immune to this downturn, plummeting by 77.9%. The first seven months witnessed sales of 15.2 thousand cars, a significant decrease from the 68.9 thousand cars during the corresponding period in 2022.

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