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Al-Ghamry Automotive Expansion in Egypt & E-commerce

Al-Ghamry Automotive Broadens its Horizons in Egypt and Sets Sight on E-commerce

One of the leading names in the car trade and import, Al-Ghamry Group, has declared an ambitious plan to grow further in the Egyptian market while making strategic inroads into the e-commerce sector. The company’s Vice Chairman, Mohamed El-Ghamry, highlighted that Egypt has been their operational epicenter for decades.

الغمري للسيارات

El-Ghamry emphasized the resilience of the Egyptian car market, noting its immense growth potential despite facing current economic challenges and the surge in vehicle prices. He remains confident in the market’s latent capacity for expansion, given its size and the escalating growth opportunities evident with time.

The company prides itself on aligning with the Egyptian government’s car import and trade regulations, echoing the broader vision of Egypt’s developmental goals. El-Ghamry credits the Egyptian government’s robust economic reforms and pro-investment stance as catalysts for their renewed expansion plans in the country, powered by avant-garde digital solutions and e-commerce.

Board member, Mostafa Al-Ghamry, shed light on their strategy to amplify their presence, kicking off with a significant branch in New Cairo. This move is a precursor to a more extensive expansion plan, which envisages branches proliferating across all Egyptian provinces.

الغمري للسيارات

Setting the bar high, Al-Ghamry Group projects sales to exceed 600 cars in 2024, concentrating on mid-range to luxury vehicles, with a particular penchant for European brands.

Underscoring their forward-looking approach, Mostafa Al-Ghamry mentioned their venture into the e-commerce domain by 2024. The aim is to craft an all-encompassing online platform, simplifying the car-buying process. This innovation would enable customers to purchase vehicles from their German branch and seamlessly get it delivered in Egypt.

A testament to its enduring legacy, Al-Ghamry Group boasts over a quarter-century of expertise, marking its esteemed presence not only in Egypt but also in the UAE and German automotive landscapes.

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