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16% Growth in Imported Bus Sales During the First 7 Months of This Year

16% Growth in Imported Bus Sales During the First 7 Months of This Year

Imported bus sales saw a notable increase of 16% during the first 7 months of this year compared to the same period in 2023.

A total of 1,300 buses were sold, up from approximately 1,100 buses during the comparison period.

According to the monthly report from the Automotive Market Information Council (AMIC), there was a significant decline in the sales of locally assembled buses during the same 7-month period. Sales dropped by 33.2%, with 2,200 buses sold, down from 3,400 buses in the same period last year.

Toyota led the bus market with the largest share of sales during the first 7 months of this year, capturing a 36.5% market share with 1,300 buses sold.imported-bus-sales-growth-2024

Chevrolet secured second place with a market share of approximately 22.7%, selling 817 buses. imported-bus-sales-growth-2024

Golden Dragon followed in third place with a 16% market share, selling around 574 buses. imported-bus-sales-growth-2024
King Long ranked fourth, holding a 10.3% market share with 369 buses sold.imported-bus-sales-growth-2024

Mitsubishi rose to fifth place with a 4.1% market share, selling about 148 buses.imported-bus-sales-growth-2024
MCV/Mercedes dropped to sixth place, capturing a 3.6% market share with 129 buses sold. imported-bus-sales-growth-2024

Foton climbed to seventh place with a market share of 2.9%, recording sales of 103 buses.imported-bus-sales-growth-2024

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