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1.1 Thousand Buses Sold: Total Imported Bus Sales During 5 Months

1.1 Thousand Buses Sold: Total Imported Bus Sales During 5 Months

Imported bus sales during the first 5 months of 2024 witnessed an increase of approximately 49.2% compared to the same period in 2023. A total of 1.1 thousand buses were sold, up from about 731 buses in the comparison period.

Sales of locally assembled buses declined during the first 5 months of 2024, recording just 1.2 thousand buses compared to 2.6 thousand buses in the same period of 2023, a significant decrease of 52.2%, according to the Automotive Market Information Council (AMIC) report.

Market Leaders:

  • Toyota captured the largest share of bus sales during the first 5 months of 2024, holding 46.5% of the market with over a thousand buses sold.rise-imported-bus-sales-2024
  • Chevrolet secured second place with a market share of about 19.2%, selling 449 buses.rise-imported-bus-sales-2024

Other Key Players:

  • King Long rose to third place, holding a market share of 10.5% with a total of 245 buses sold.rise-imported-bus-sales-2024
  • Golden Dragon fell to fourth place, matching King Long’s market share of 10.5% with 245 buses sold.rise-imported-bus-sales-2024
  • MCV/Mercedes took fifth place with a market share of 3.7%, selling 86 buses./imported-bus-sales-surge-analysis-2024
  • Suzuki came in sixth with a market share of 3.5%, selling 83 buses./imported-bus-sales-surge-analysis-2024
  • Foton rose to seventh place with a market share of about 2.6%, selling 60 buses.rise-imported-bus-sales-2024
  • Mitsubishi secured eighth place with 53 buses sold.rise-imported-bus-sales-2024

Despite the growth in imported bus sales, the overall bus market experienced a decrease of about 28.7%, with total sales recording 2.3 thousand buses during the first 5 months of 2024, down from approximately 3.3 thousand buses in the same period of 2023.

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